Ideas? Start here

Are you an idea person who is:

  • Overwhelmed by many ideas and more coming daily and don’t know how to capture all of them, which ones to release and which or how to focus on to get results?
  • Often misunderstood or feel under appreciated?
  • A big-vision person who hates dealing with all those pesky details, you just want it done for you?
  • Someone who knows that the details are the foundation behind making big visions take flight?
  • A Renaissance or multifaceted person who loves a variety of things that may or may not seem to others to go together?
  • Are you a left-brained logical person who wants to expand your creative side so you can be more effective and successful?
  • Are you a right-brained creative who needs clear linear thinking applied to guide the dream manifestation process?
  • Are you someone for whom many things are of interest and pretty good at a bunch of things but confused about what to do next?
  • Are you intelligent and find that sometimes being uber smart is a problem because it gets in the way of being understood and supported?
  • Are you a techy, geeky, science type who wants to have more fun and ease in your life and work?

Me too. I’ve been there.

Yes, I am one of those both left- and right-brained folks. My engineering and business training provide a strong foundation. Likewise my creativity and intuition contribute to provide insights and connect dots that others may not.

A few years ago when I asked for direction toward a new career, the message I received was ENERGY which the Mechanical Engineer / MBA part of me saw as working in a utility power plant. Well, no offense, but that isn’t really my interest. I continued to research and study. A couple of years later I became a Reiki Master and continue to study Radiance work and now offer Radiance Reiki along with Coaching and Consulting.  According to my handprints, I am a gifted healer (to healers) and spiritual teacher in the spotlight with heart. How long have I been a Coach? My entire life. And I’ve trained with some of the greats: Thomas Leonard, Jack Canfield, Marcia Wieder and Andrea J. Lee.

Check out the PROGRAMS & PACKAGES for more information on our offerings to assist you in moving Your Ideas to Implemented reality.

To get a more personalized response to your questions, send your questions to us through the CONTACT US page. Let us know if you’d like us to send you Tips to Get Out of Overwhelm.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Barb Cotta

Barb Cotta